

bila otak beku

okay new day !
i feel energized . unexplained feeling . plik aku nieh . entri kali nieh .
kenapa aku suka puisi ?
haaa . even ta pnah ada org baca or like aku pny puisi . tp at least ada org baca kan
yalahh smua org suka la baca kalau blog tu about bnci kat org , mrh kat org , fashion, music , trend , pelakon . or hiburan . tapi pnah ta terpikir knapa tada org zmn skang and belia2 skang ta minat ngan penulisan lama or music classic ? knapa haa ? ta salah kan sesiapa sbb world today . tada sapa na amek kisah about old people , old music , old fashion . tahu ta lagu tu dtg nya dari poem ?
mmg ta smua org leh fhm kita kan . bkn sng . haihh . tapi pape pun all my poem , hope someday it will booked . fotografi + writing = Ayin Azemi ?
maybe . tamaknya aku dlm seni >.<

-Love is a stream of emotion
that flow into heart another
it just was like a language
that OUR heart use to communicate
My heart says ' hey your heart!'
your heart says ' wazap my heart ?'
then they're holding hand
walking through tunnel of walking pedestrian
and this is how u remind me
and i won't tellin' u that ur voice
is my favourite sound -

p.s - you really got me !